
RWC Team Members Free

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  • 1st Released: 14 March, 2024
  • Last Update: 14 March, 2024

If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, Please feel free to contact us via Plugin Support Page.


RWC Team Members plugin can be installed in two convenient ways: manually or directly from the WordPress plugin directory.

Manual Installation:

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Plugins in the left menu and click Add New.
  3. Click Upload Plugin and choose the file. Click Install Now.
  4. Once installed, activate the plugin.
  5. Create a new team under RWC Teams » Team Templates.

Installation from WordPress Plugin Directory:

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. In the left menu, click Plugins, then select Add New.
  3. In the search field, type RWC Team Members and press Enter.
  4. Locate the plugin in the search results and click the Install Now button.
  5. After installation, activate the plugin.
  6. Create a new team under RWC Teams » Team Templates.

Quick Start

Getting Started: A Quick Guide

  1. Go to RWC Teams » Team Templates in your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Select your desired team from the 10 available templates.
  3. Hover over the template and click on the Create Team button.

Your new team will be instantly generated based on the chosen template. To configure team members, head over to the All Teams section.

Managing Team Activities: A Step-by-Step Guide

Team activities within RWC Team Members allow you to efficiently organize your team's departments, designations, and social media presence. After creating a team from the provided templates, you can follow these steps to edit the team activities:

  1. Locate your team in the list of teams on the All Teams page.
  2. Hover over your team name; this action will reveal four links underneath the team name.
  3. Click on the Edit Activity link among the options. This will direct you to the activity editing section.

Inside the activity editing section, you can modify and manage various aspects of your team members' roles and online presence. For each team activity, make use of the following information:

Activity Name:

Enter different activities that describe your team members. These could include department names (e.g., Finance), job titles (e.g., Account Manager), skills (e.g., PHP), or even their social media profiles (e.g., Facebook). Providing accurate activity names will help organize and categorize your team effectively.

Activity URL:

Exclusive to social media activities, use the Activity Link field to input the corresponding profile link. This will allow easy access to their social media profiles and enhance connectivity within the team.

Dashicons Icon Class:

Dashicons is the official icon font of the WordPress admin as of 3.8. Provide the Dashicons icon class for visual identification. To set up Dashicons icon you just need to put the icon class in the text box that corresponds to the icon you are trying to display; for example if you want to display the camera icon you can add the dashicons-camera class. Visit Dashicons in WordPress Developer Resources to learn more about it.

Activity Type:

Select the appropriate type from the available options. There are 3 types of activities:

  • Sector for Member Department.
  • Status for Member Designation.
  • Social for social media activities of the member.

Editing Team Members: Comprehensive Guide

After successfully creating your team and setting up their activities, you can manage and customize your team members' details, appearance, and information. Here's a step-by-step guide to navigate through the "Team Member Details" functionality:

Completing Your Customizations:

  1. After making the desired changes and adjustments, ensure you save your modifications.
  2. Your team members' appearances will be instantly updated across the front-end, reflecting the changes you've made.

Accessing Team Member Details:

  1. On the All Teams page, locate the team you want to edit members for.
  2. Hover your mouse over the team name; this will reveal a set of options.
  3. Click on the Edit Members link from the available options.
  4. Upon clicking Edit Members, an AJAX window will open, providing you with an intuitive interface to modify team member details.

Team Member Details Accordion:

In the AJAX window, you'll notice an accordion menu. Clicking on Team Member Details will expand this menu, revealing various customization options for individual team members.

Available Options Within Team Member Details:

  • Member Name: Edit the name of the team member.
  • Member Detail Bio: Provide a detailed biography for the team member.
  • Member Short Bio: Add a concise summary that will be displayed on the member's thumbnail in grid view.
  • Member Tag Line: Enter a tagline or catchphrase for the team member.
  • Member Position: Specify the member's position within the team, including Department, Designation, and Experience.
  • Member Info: Input contact information such as Email, Telephone, Mobile, Fax, Location, and Personal Web URL.
  • Member Social Link (Only ID): Include the member's social media ID for linking their profiles.
  • Member Ribbon: Customize a ribbon or label for the member, adding a special distinction.

Displaying Information:

  1. Member Detail Bio, Member Tag Line, and Member Info: The detailed bio, tagline, and contact information (Email, Telephone, Mobile, etc.) will be displayed on the member's individual details popup in the front-end view.
  2. Member Short Bio: This concise bio will appear on the member's thumbnail in the grid view.
  3. Member Name, Member Position, Member Social Link, and Member Ribbon: These details will be visible in both the details and thumbnail views, except for Experience, which is reserved for the details popup.

Enhancing Your Team Display:

By utilizing the Team Member Details functionality, you can create a cohesive and informative team display with personalized member information, adding depth and context to your team's presence.

This comprehensive guide should help you efficiently navigate and utilize the Team Member Details functionality, allowing you to tailor your team members' information and appearance to meet your preferences.

Customizing Team Member Colors: A Detailed Guide

Within RWC Team Members, you have the flexibility to personalize the colors associated with your team members, adding a touch of visual distinction to your team display. The Team Member Colors feature allows you to fine-tune background colors and social media icon colors. Here's a step-by-step guide to navigate and leverage this functionality:

Accessing Team Member Colors:

From the Edit Members window, click on the Team Member Colors accordion. This action will unveil a range of color options available for customization.

Color Customization Options:

  1. Background Colors:
    • Thumbnail Column BG: This color setting is for the background of the member's thumbnail column.
    • Thumbnail Ribbon BG: Here, you can define the background color for the ribbon text on the member's thumbnail.
  2. Social Media Colors:
    • If you've set any team activity as Social in the Team Activity settings, the Social Media Colors section will appear here.
    • In this section, you have the ability to customize the background and hover colors of the social media icons associated with the team member.
    • These colors can be fine-tuned to align with your branding or design preferences.

Note: The availability of the Social Media Colors section depends on the Team Activity settings. If no activity type is designated as Social, this section will not be displayed.

Enhancing Your Team Display:

By customizing the colors associated with your team members, you can create a cohesive and visually appealing presentation that aligns with your brand identity or design aesthetics.

This comprehensive guide should assist you in effectively navigating and using the Team Member Colors functionality to infuse your team display with personalized colors and visual enhancements.

Managing Team Member Images: Step-by-Step Guide

In the RWC Team Members plugin, you can effortlessly personalize the appearance of your team members by adding their images. The Team Member Image feature allows you to upload individual member photos to create a visually engaging and informative team display. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to navigate this functionality:

Accessing Team Member Image:

Within the Edit Members window, click on the Team Member Image accordion. This will open up a dedicated section where you can manage team members' images.

Uploading Member Photos:

  1. Inside the Team Member Image section, you'll find a single option: Upload Image.
  2. Adjacent to this option, there is an Upload Image button. Click on this button to proceed.

Using the WordPress Media Uploader:

  1. By clicking the Upload Image button, the WordPress media uploader window will open.
  2. From here, you can select the desired image of the team member from your media library or upload a new one.
  3. Once you've chosen the image, click the Set image button to initiate the upload process.

Previewing Member Image:

  1. After successfully uploading the member's image, a preview of the image will be displayed within the Team Member Image accordion.
  2. This preview provides a visual representation of how the selected image will appear within the team display.

Enhancing Your Team Display:

By incorporating individual member images using the Team Member Image feature, you can add a human touch to your team presentation, making it more relatable and engaging for your audience.

This comprehensive guide should assist you in effectively navigating and using the Team Member Image functionality to enhance your team's visual appeal and create a more impactful team showcase.

Team Members Common Settings: Comprehensive Guide

Within the RWC Team Members plugin, you have the convenience of configuring common settings that apply to all team members at once. These global settings allow you to maintain consistency and streamline the presentation of your entire team. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to navigate and leverage these global settings:

Accessing Common Settings:

Within the same AJAX window used for individual member customization, scroll down to the bottom of the page. You will find a section dedicated to member common settings, providing a unified approach to configuring common options for all team members.

Common Settings Tabs:

  1. General Tab: This tab encompasses foundational settings that affect the overall behavior of your team members' display.
  2. Media Tab: In this tab, you can manage settings related to media, such as image dimensions and alignment.
  3. Structure Tab: Customize the fundamental structure and arrangement of team member information within the display.
  4. Layout Tab: Define the layout characteristics, including grid or list view, and the number of members per row.
  5. Filter Tab: Configure filters that enable users to easily sort and locate specific team members based on categories.
  6. Thumbnail Tab: Set the dimensions and appearance of member thumbnails for a consistent and visually appealing layout.
  7. Show/Hide Tab: Determine which specific elements to show or hide in the team member display, providing granular control over information visibility.
  8. Font Tab: Adjust font styles and sizes to ensure readability and alignment with your overall design.
  9. Colors Tab: Fine-tune color options that harmonize with your branding and enhance the aesthetic appeal of the team display.

Completing Your Customizations:

  1. After making the desired changes and adjustments, ensure you save your modifications.
  2. Your team members' appearances will be instantly updated across the front-end, reflecting the changes you've made.

General Tab Settings: Personalizing Your Team Display

The General tab within the member common settings provides essential options to shape the overall appearance and behavior of your team display. This section empowers you to customize key aspects that contribute to the unique presentation of your team. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to navigate and utilize the General tab:

Accessing the General Tab:

In the member common settings section, locate and click on the General tab. Within this tab, you'll find a range of options that influence the overall functionality and aesthetic of your team display.

General Tab Options:

  1. Enable Team: Mark this checkbox to enable the display of your team members.
  2. Team Name: Assign a name of your choice to your team. This name will be used for display purposes only.
  3. Modify Team Name: An auto-generated team name is provided when creating a team from a ready-made template. You can modify this name or keep it as is. If the entered name already exists, a unique variant will be created to avoid conflicts.
  4. Shortcode Post/Page URLs: Input the page URL(s) where you intend to showcase this team. By specifying these URLs, the custom CSS for the team will load exclusively on these pages, enhancing loading speed.
  5. Open Link in New Tab: Mark this option if you prefer social media links to open in new tabs.
  6. Team Name Margin (in px): Adjust the margin (spacing) of the team name from the top and bottom, allowing precise control over its positioning.
  7. Enable Member Ribbons: Check this box to display ribbons for individual team members, adding a distinctive element to their presentation.

Enhancing Your Team Display:

By personalizing the General tab settings, you can shape the team display to align with your branding and design vision. These options offer you the flexibility to create a visually engaging and customized team showcase.

This comprehensive guide should provide you with the insights needed to effectively navigate and utilize the General tab settings within the RWC Team Members plugin, enabling you to craft an exceptional team presentation that reflects your unique style and preferences.

Media Tab: Optimizing Team Member Images

The Media tab within the member common settings offers precise control over the display and appearance of team member images. By tailoring these settings, you can ensure a visually appealing and cohesive presentation for your team members. Here's a comprehensive guide on navigating and utilizing the options available in the Media tab:

Accessing the Media Tab:

Within the member common settings, locate and click on the Media tab. This tab hosts a range of options that influence the handling and display of team member images.

Media Tab Options:

  1. Enable Member Images: Mark this checkbox if you wish to display member images in your team showcase.
  2. Image Size: Choose from five different image sizes for your team member images:
    • Thumbnail Size: WordPress-provided thumbnail dimensions.
    • Medium Size: WordPress medium dimensions.
    • Large Size: WordPress large dimensions.
    • Full Size: Display the image at its original size.
    • Custom Size: Define a personalized width and height for member images. If you choose this, input fields for Image Width and Image Height will appear.
  3. Image Opacity: Set the opacity of the member images. A value of 100 will remain the image transparent as it is. The lower the number, the dimmer the image.

Enhancing Visual Consistency:

By adjusting the Media tab settings, you can achieve uniformity in the presentation of team member images. This ensures a professional and visually engaging team showcase that aligns with your design objectives.

This comprehensive guide should provide you with the necessary insights to navigate and utilize the Media tab settings within the RWC Team Members plugin, enabling you to optimize the display of team member images to suit your desired look and feel.

Structure Tab: Crafting Your Team Display

The Structure tab within the member common settings empowers you to define the fundamental layout and arrangement of your team display. By configuring these settings, you can create a visually pleasing and well-organized presentation for your team members. Here's a comprehensive guide on navigating and utilizing the options available in the Structure tab:

Accessing the Structure Tab:

Within the member common settings, locate and click on the Structure tab. This tab offers a range of options to influence the layout and spacing of your team members' presentation.

Structure Tab Options:

  1. Container Width (in %): Set the width of the entire team container as a percentage. This helps determine the overall width of your team display.
  2. Number of Members per Row: Configure the number of members displayed per row for different device views:
    • Desktop: Specify the number of members per row for desktop view (screen width ≥ 993px). Up to 8 columns can be displayed.
    • Tab: Determine the number of members per row for tablets (screen width 481px to 992px). Up to 4 columns can be displayed.
    • Mobile: Set the number of members per row for mobile devices (screen width ≤ 480px). Up to 2 columns can be displayed.
  3. Automatic Margin: If you enable this option, you can create manual spacing between member thumbnails.
    • Four number fields will appear allowing you to define margins for top, right, bottom, and left respectively.
    • Enabling this option allows you to add a consistent margin between member thumbnails, enhancing visual clarity.

Creating a Cohesive Presentation:

By adjusting the Structure tab settings, you can create a balanced and visually appealing team display that adapts seamlessly across different screen sizes. This ensures that your team members are showcased in an organized and engaging manner.

This comprehensive guide should provide you with the insights needed to navigate and utilize the Structure tab settings within the RWC Team Members plugin, enabling you to shape the layout and spacing of your team showcase according to your design vision.

Layout Tab: Designing Your Team Display

The Layout tab within the member common settings provides you with a powerful array of options to structure and style your team showcase. By configuring these settings, you can create captivating and engaging presentations that align with your design vision. Here's a comprehensive guide on navigating and utilizing the options available in the Layout tab:

Accessing the Layout Tab:

Within the member common settings, locate and click on the Layout tab. This tab offers a variety of options to shape the layout and appearance of your team members' display.

Layout Tab Options

  1. Layout Type for the Team: Choose from three layout types:
    • Grids: Displays team members in a grid system without member details.
    • Slider: Presents team members in a carousel/slider format.
      • Enable Slider Member Details: Check this option to show member details within each carousel slide in a left pop-up view.
      • Slides to Show: Set the number of visible slides at a time.
      • Transition Speed: Adjust the speed of the transition animation.
      • Enable Next/Prev Arrows: Show or hide navigation arrows.
      • Enable Auto Play: Activate auto play of slides. Set the interval using Auto play Change Interval options.
      • Enable Variable Width: Enable unique widths for carousel items.
      • zIndex Values for Slides: Set zIndex values for slides, particularly useful for older browsers like IE9 and below.
    • Pop-up: Displays member details in a left pop-up view, also functioning as a grid view for thumbnails.
      • Disable Pop-up: Check this box to disable member details and maintain a grid layout when using Pop-up.
  2. Layout Content Style: Choose from 10 pre-made styles to present team member thumbnails in diverse looks.
  3. Enable Image Hover Effect: Mark this checkbox to apply an image hover effect when hovering over thumbnail images.

Creating a Stunning Presentation:

By adjusting the Layout tab settings, you can craft visually appealing and dynamic team displays that showcase your team members in various engaging formats.

This comprehensive guide should provide you with the insights needed to navigate and utilize the Layout tab settings within the RWC Team Members plugin. These settings play a pivotal role in designing an impactful and captivating presentation for your team members.

Filter Tab: Streamlining Team Navigation

The Filter tab within the member common settings offers a strategic way to enhance user navigation and facilitate access to specific team members. By configuring these settings, you can enable a filter navigation system based on member departments, optimizing the user experience. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to navigate and utilize the options available in the Filter tab:

Accessing the Filter Tab:

Within the member common settings, locate and click on the Filter tab. This tab houses options that revolve around enabling and optimizing the filter navigation for your team members.

Filter Tab Options:

Enable Filter Navigation: Activate this checkbox to introduce filter navigation based on member departments.

Upon clicking the Enable Filter Navigation checkbox, additional options will appear related to filter navigation customization.

Filter Navigation Customization:

  1. Filter Alignment: Set the alignment for the filter navigation menu. Choose from three options: Left, Center, or Right alignment.
  2. Margin Top (in px): Specify the top space of the filter navigation menu to ensure optimal positioning.
  3. Margin Bottom (in px): Define the bottom space of the filter navigation menu to create a visually balanced layout.

Enhancing User Experience:

By adjusting the Filter tab settings, you can create an intuitive navigation system that empowers users to effortlessly access team members based on their respective departments.

This comprehensive guide should provide you with the insights needed to navigate and utilize the Filter tab settings within the RWC Team Members plugin. These settings offer a valuable opportunity to enhance user interaction and engagement with your team showcase by enabling department-based filter navigation.

Thumbnail Tab: Crafting Visual Impact

The Thumbnail tab within the member common settings offers you a palette of options to optimize the presentation and interaction with member thumbnails. By configuring these settings, you can create an aesthetically pleasing and engaging experience for users. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to navigate and utilize the options available in the Thumbnail tab:

Accessing the Thumbnail Tab:

Within the member common settings, find and click on the Thumbnail tab. This tab presents options that shape the alignment, appearance, and interaction of member thumbnails.

Thumbnail Tab Options:

  1. Member Thumbnail Alignment: Customize the alignment of member thumbnails within the total container.
    • Thumbnail Alignment: Set the horizontal alignment of member thumbnails. Choose from left, center, or right positions.
    • Thumbnail Text Alignment: Determine the alignment of individual thumbnail content text. Choose from left, center, or right positions.
  2. Enlarge Thumbnail on Hover: Enable this checkbox to trigger the enlargement of member thumbnails when users hover their mouse over them.

Elevating User Engagement:

By adjusting the Thumbnail tab settings, you can enhance the visual impact of your team showcase, making it more visually appealing and interactive for users.

This comprehensive guide should equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate and utilize the Thumbnail tab settings within the RWC Team Members plugin. These settings enable you to curate an immersive and engaging user experience by optimizing the alignment, appearance, and interaction of member thumbnails.

Show/Hide Tab: Tailoring Team Showcase Visibility

The Show/Hide tab within the member common settings empowers you to fine-tune the visibility of specific elements within your team showcase. By configuring these settings, you can ensure that the displayed information aligns with your design and content preferences. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to navigate and utilize the options available in the Show/Hide tab:

Accessing the Show/Hide Tab:

Within the member common settings, locate and click on the Show/Hide tab. This tab provides options to selectively show or hide specific elements both in thumbnail and member details views.

Show/Hide Tab Options:

  1. Thumbnail Items Show/Hide: Customize the elements displayed within the thumbnail view of team members.
    • Hide Thumbnail Designation: Check this box to hide the designation on the thumbnail.
    • Hide Thumbnail Department: Check this box to hide the department on the thumbnail.
    • Hide Thumbnail Social Icon: Check this box to hide the social media icons on the thumbnail.
  2. Member Details Show/Hide: Choose the elements you want to display within the member details view.
    • Hide Member Designation: Check this box to hide the designation in member details.
    • Hide Member Department: Check this box to hide the department in member details.
    • Hide Member Social Icon: Check this box to hide the social media icons in member details.

Crafting Focused Presentations:

By adjusting the Show/Hide tab settings, you can create a clean and focused team showcase that emphasizes the most pertinent information while decluttering the display.

This comprehensive guide should provide you with the insights needed to navigate and utilize the Show/Hide tab settings within the RWC Team Members plugin. These settings grant you the control to curate the presentation of team member details, ensuring that the displayed information is aligned with your design and content strategy.

Font Tab: Elevating Typography in Your Team Display

The Font tab within the member common settings offers you a powerful avenue to define the typographic elements of your team showcase. By configuring these settings, you can ensure that the typography harmoniously aligns with your design choices. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to navigate and utilize the options available in the Font tab:

Accessing the Font Tab:

Within the member common settings, locate and click on the Font tab. This tab provides options to configure font families and font sizes for various elements of your team display.

Font Tab Options

Font Family: Set the font family for your team display by entering the font name.

  • Before proceeding, make sure that the corresponding font's CSS file is properly included and linked in your website's HTML code.
  • Utilize the Team Member Global Settings under RWC Teams » Tools to conveniently link a font's CSS file or use the plugin's default font.

Primary and Secondary Font Family:

  1. Primary Font Family: Define the primary font family for headings within your team display.
  2. Secondary Font Family: Specify the secondary font family for other textual content, excluding headings.

Font Tab Options - Font Size:

Customize font sizes for different devices - desktop, tablet, and mobile views.

  1. Team Name & Filter Navigation: Tailor font sizes for the team name and filter navigation.
    • Team Name Font Size: Set the font size of the team name for desktop, tab, and mobile views.
    • Navigation Font Size: Determine the font size of the filter navigation for desktop, tab, and mobile views.
  2. Thumbnail Font Size: Adjust font sizes for various thumbnail elements.
    • Member Name Font Size: Set the font size for member names on thumbnails for different views.
    • Department Font Size: Define the font size for member departments on thumbnails.
    • Designation Font Size: Specify the font size for member designations on thumbnails.
    • Short Bio Font Size: Set the font size for member short bios on thumbnails.
    • Social Icon Font Size: Determine the font size for social icons on thumbnails.

Refining Design Aesthetics:

By adjusting the Font tab settings, you can achieve a polished and consistent typographic style throughout your team showcase, enhancing readability and visual appeal.

This comprehensive guide should equip you with the insights needed to navigate and utilize the Font tab settings within the RWC Team Members plugin. These settings allow you to take control of typography, ensuring that your team display showcases a visually cohesive and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Colors Tab: Infusing Vibrancy into Your Team Display

The Colors tab within the member common settings grants you the creative control to infuse your team showcase with captivating colors. By configuring these settings, you can tailor the color scheme to align with your branding and design preferences. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to navigate and utilize the options available in the Colors tab:

Accessing the Colors Tab:

Within the member common settings, locate and click on the Colors tab. This tab offers options to define colors for key elements of your team display.

Colors Tab Options - Team Name:

  1. Team Name Color: Set the font color for the team name, ensuring it resonates with your brand's visual identity.
  2. Team Name Marked Color: Define the font color for the initial letter of each word in the team name. This can add visual interest and emphasis.

Colors Tab Options - Filter Navigation:

  1. Navigation BG Color: Customize the background color of the filter navigation, enhancing its visibility.
  2. Navigation Active BG Color: Set the background color for the active tab (department) in the filter navigation, guiding user interaction.
  3. Navigation Font Color: Define the font color for the filter navigation text, ensuring legibility and alignment with your design.
  4. Navigation Active Font Color: Specify the font color for the text of the active tab (department), enhancing clarity.

Enriching Visual Appeal:

By adjusting the Colors tab settings, you can create a visually captivating and cohesive color palette for your team display, effectively enhancing the overall visual appeal.

This comprehensive guide should provide you with the insights needed to navigate and utilize the Colors tab settings within the RWC Team Members plugin. These settings empower you to define a color scheme that aligns with your brand's identity and creates a visually immersive experience for users interacting with your team showcase.

Tools: Fine-Tuning and Managing

The Tools section within the RWC Team Members plugin serves as a centralized hub where you can manage, customize, and safeguard your team settings. This comprehensive suite of options empowers you to fine-tune your team display, apply custom styles, and even manage data backup and restoration. Here's a detailed guide on how to effectively navigate and utilize the options available within the Tools section:

Accessing the Tools Section:

In your WordPress admin panel, navigate to RWC Teams and select Tools. Within the Tools section, you'll find four tabs: Options, Custom Style, Export Team, and Import Team.

Options Tab: Global Settings for Your Team:

The Options tab within the RWC Team Members plugin is your gateway to configuring global settings that impact the behavior and features of your team displays. These options allow you to fine-tune your experience, streamline workflows, and optimize functionality. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to navigate and utilize the options available in the Options tab:

Accessing the Options Tab:

In your WordPress admin panel, navigate to RWC Teams and select Tools. Within the Tools section, click on the Options tab.

Options Tab Settings - Enhancing Text Editing:

  1. Enable WP Post Editor for HTML Feature Type: This option enables the WP default post editor for a more seamless experience in formatting text, quotes, and images.
    • When activated, you can focus on content creation while benefiting from the intuitive visual editor.
  2. Enable HTML Editor as the Default Post Editor: If enabled, this option sets the HTML editor as the default post editor in the plugin's Member settings.
    • Ideal for instances where most users agree with your choice, and you wish to have the visual editor available as an alternative.

Options Tab Settings - Typography and Fonts:

Enable Plugin Default Google Font: Activate this option to use the plugin's default Google font for consistency across your team displays. If disabled, you can specify your own Google font using the additional options:

  • Enter Google Fonts URL link: If you prefer a custom Google font, enter the font's URL link. This links the desired font to your team displays.
  • Enter Primary Font Family: Define the primary font family to be used if not set for individual team displays.
  • Enter Secondary Font Family: Set the secondary font family to be used if not specified for individual team displays.

Options Tab Settings - Functionalities and Database:

  1. Enable Dashicons in Theme: This option is to prevent duplicate declarations of Dashicons in your theme. Ensures proper display of social media icons in the frontend.
  2. Add View Port Meta in the Header: Opt to add a viewport meta tag in the header for responsive design optimization.
  3. Clear Database on Delete: By checking this option, you ensure that plugin-related data is deleted along with the plugin itself if you decide to uninstall it.
  4. Remove Unnecessary Team Option: This option helps declutter your database by promptly removing any unnecessary team options created during customization.

Fine-Tuning Your Plugin Experience:

By accessing the Options tab, you can customize global settings to align with your preferences, streamline workflows, and optimize the functionality of your RWC Team Members plugin.

This comprehensive guide should empower you to navigate and utilize the options within the Options tab of the RWC Team Members plugin. These settings provide the flexibility to tailor the plugin experience, enhancing your control over features and behaviors in your team displays.

Custom Style Tab: Crafting Your Own CSS:

The Custom Style tab within the RWC Team Members plugin offers you a canvas to paint your team displays with a personalized touch. By harnessing the power of custom CSS, you can shape the appearance and aesthetics of your team showcase without altering the core plugin CSS. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to leverage the Custom Style tab to create a tailored visual experience:

Accessing the Custom Style Tab:

In your WordPress admin panel, navigate to RWC Team and select Tools. Within the Tools section, click on the Custom Style tab.

Using Custom CSS: Unleash Your Creativity:

  1. Why Custom CSS Matters: Custom CSS empowers you to modify the visual elements of your team display without affecting the core plugin CSS. This approach preserves upgrade compatibility and ensures seamless maintenance.
  2. Load After Plugin Stylesheets: Your custom CSS is loaded after the plugin's stylesheets, granting your rules precedence in the display.
  3. Implementing Your Custom Styles:
    • Utilize the provided CSS editor box to input your custom CSS code.
    • Craft rules that reflect the changes you desire in the appearance of your team display.
    • Whether it's adjusting colors, tweaking layouts, or adding unique styling, this is your creative playground.

This comprehensive guide should provide you with the insights needed to navigate and utilize the Custom Style tab within the RWC Team Members plugin. Leverage this space to bring your creative visions to life and present a distinctive and engaging team showcase.

Export & Import Tab: Backup & Restoring System:

Export Team Tab: Backing Up Your Settings:

Use this tab to securely back up all your team settings in a JSON format.

Exporting your settings ensures that you have a safeguarded copy of your configurations, which can be crucial for data recovery or transitioning to different installations.

Import Team Tab: Restoring Settings with Ease:

This tab allows you to seamlessly restore settings that were previously exported using the Export Team option.

In case you need to transfer your team settings to another installation or recover lost data, importing settings simplifies the process.

Safeguarding and Customizing Your Team:

By accessing the Tools section, you gain the ability to safeguard your settings, apply custom styles, and manage data with ease.

This comprehensive guide should equip you with the insights needed to navigate and utilize the options within the Tools section of the RWC Team Members plugin. These tools empower you to manage, customize, and preserve your team settings, contributing to a seamless and tailored user experience.


A FAQ is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers on a particular topic.

The RWC Team Members plugin is a powerful tool designed for WordPress users to effortlessly create and manage team showcases. It provides a range of features, including team templates, customizable member details, styling options, and the ability to organize team members effectively.
To get started, install and activate the RWC Team Members plugin on your WordPress website. From the WordPress admin panel, navigate to RWC Teams and explore the various tabs to configure your team's appearance, member details, colors, and more.
Team Templates are pre-designed layouts that simplify the process of setting up your team showcase. From the RWC Teams menu, access Team Templates, choose from 10 ready-made templates, and create your team with just a few clicks.
Mouseover your team name in the All Teams, section and click Edit Members. This opens an Ajax window where you can customize individual member details, colors, images, and more. You can tailor each member's information to suit your requirements.
Absolutely. The Layout, Colors, and Custom Style tabs allow you to control the layout, color scheme, and even apply your custom CSS for fine-tuned styling. These options ensure your team showcase aligns with your brand identity and design preferences.
The Tools section provides essential utilities for managing and safeguarding your team settings. The Options tab lets you configure global settings, Custom Style tab enables you to apply custom CSS, Export Team tab allows you to back up settings, and Import Team tab lets you restore saved settings.
Yes, the Font tab empowers you to control font family and size settings for various elements within your team showcase. You can ensure consistent typography that aligns with your brand's identity.
Indeed. The Team Activities section allows you to define team departments, roles, social media links, and more. You can easily organize members based on departments and designations, providing a clear hierarchy.
The Filter tab allows you to enable a filter navigation system based on team member departments. You can align the filter navigation's alignment, margins, and appearance to enhance user interaction and navigation.
The Custom Style tab allows you to apply custom CSS to your team showcase without altering the core plugin CSS. This approach ensures compatibility with plugin updates while enabling you to craft a unique visual experience.

Source & Credits





  • Docs Template: iDocs - One Page Documentation HTML Template


If you have further questions or need additional assistance beyond this documentation, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can submit your query on the Plugin Support Page in WordPress.

We are located in GMT +6:00 time zone and we answer all questions within 12-24 hours in weekdays. In some rare cases the waiting time can be to 48 hours. (except holiday seasons which might take longer).

Note: While we aim to provide the best support possible, please keep in mind that it only extends to plugin users and only to issues related to our plugin like bugs and errors. Custom modifications or third party module implementations are not included.

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Version 0.1 (14 March, 2024)

1st Release